The Great Cost Of Compromise

Jesus stood before His church in Pergamum with a “sharp two edged sword” and gave this stern warning — conquer your compromise!  There was a group in the church known as the Nicolaitans who encouraged the Christian believers to “go along to get along”.  They taught that compromise with the pagan practices of the Roman culture was necessary in order to live and be a witness within the city.

Here is the problem.  Compromise is not a kingdom concept.  We are called to stand upon the Word of God that offers an absolute standard of right and wrong for living godly lives.  Compromise requires a concession with your opposition.  The result is that when you concede two things will happen.  First, you get detoured from your divine destiny and second you get directed towards destruction.  In the kingdom there can be no compromise!  

“So, Pastor, what is the big deal with a little compromise?”  I’m glad you asked… let me give you four BIG COSTS.

1. Compromise will cost you the PROMISE.

If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land. (Isaiah 1:19, ESV)

God’s promises come with the condition of our obedience.  If you hear the word of the Lord and stay true to that word, then you can expect to enter into His promise.  However, if you choose to compromise on His word don’t be surprised when you arrive at a different destination.  

2. Compromise costs you PROTECTION.

Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place— the Most High, who is my refuge— no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent. (Psalm 91:9–10, ESV)

When we compromise we step outside the place God has called us to live.  Being Floridians we know when a hurricane comes, the last place you want to be is outside.  You find the shelter and security of a proven structure.  For us as Christians, that is Jesus, our rock.

3. Compromise costs you PROMOTION.

For to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. (Mark 4:24–25, ESV)

Jesus promoted the servant who faithfully stewarded the resources entrusted to him.  He demoted the servant who compromised.  Every moment in life is an opportunity for promotion or demotion.  Oftentimes compromise looks like the easy path to promotion, but be assured, it always costs more in the end.  God is an excellent accountant and is the ultimate rewarder of those who are faithful till the end!

4. Compromise costs you POSITION.

Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

(James 4:4, ESV)

The headlines are filled with Christian leaders who have fallen from their positions because they invited compromise into their life.  Yes, they lost their earthly position, however, I would argue that the greater loss was to their witness.  We are called to be image bearers of Jesus.  As sons and daughters of God we carry His message to the world.  When those we are called to minister to see compromise (or hypocrisy) in our lives, it hurts our witness.  Let your life line up with your message!

I’m certain you could add a few more to the list and I’d welcome to hear from you.  

This week, let me encourage you to invite the Holy Spirit to search your life.  Is there a place you’ve invited compromise into your home or workplace?  Take a look at the costs of that compromise and ask, “Is it worth it?”.  Then call upon the grace of our Lord and make a commitment to stand faithful in that area of your life.  He promises to give you refreshing in that place!


*Men, don’t forget the Men’s Breakfast this Saturday at 9:30am.  You can register online on the church center app or our website.