Join Us This Weekend for the Conclusion of, “The Art of Abiding”

We’ve kicked off this new year with a brand new series and corporate study through the writings of John. It has been amazing to read through this devotional with you. I look forward to all of us growing together in God’s Word as each month we will post a new devotional to read through together. 

Throughout this series, we have discovered:

  1. Jesus is the better way.

He shows us a new way to be human and how to live life in all of its fullness. He invites us to continually ask the question, “what would Jesus do?” Not only when it comes to sin, but in every situation and circumstance. How would Jesus lead my family? How would Jesus be a better spouse? How would Jesus be a good employer or employee? Jesus invites us along this journey to walk with Him and discover the unforced rhythms of His grace.

2. Jesus is real rest.

He shows us a better rhythm to life where we retreat, recharge, reduce and find a different rhythm.  Jesus sought out time with the Father often. These were times of silence and solitude away from the stresses of the daily walk. He showed how the Sabbath was a time to recharge and given as a gift to us. He challenged us to simplify our lives by rejecting materialism and living freely and lightly. He walked and never ran. He moved at a different pace. His rhythm was unforced.

3. Jesus is the true vine.

Jesus invites us to abide in Him and to let the flow of our life come fully from Him. Christ and Christ alone provides a sure foundation to stand. Jesus offers a freedom to build a life that truly matters. Only Jesus can give us fulfillment as we pursue the life that He’s called us to.

This week, we will wrap up the series in 1 John and talk about how Jesus is greater than religion. What a great Sunday to invite a friend to join us. Truly, something special is happening within our church family as we come together to worship and celebrate the King of Kings. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday morning.

Grace to You, 

PS – Don’t forget that Sunday right after church SUM will be hosting a Chili Potato Bar to support the students as they prepare for the Evangelism conference coming up. Cost is $12 per person. Tickets are available to purchase online or at the door (while supplies last). 

Also, we are launching our winter Grace Groups! Join us immediately following the service in the Family Life Center to find a place to connect, serve or be equipped.