For Better

For those of you who have stood at the altar, no doubt at some point and time during your ceremony vows were repeated that sounded something like this,

“to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part.”

We dream about the better and the richer days and yet aren’t prepared for when the worse days come.

Both life and marriage are a journey with many unexpected and surprising turns. It’s part of the adventure. When you’re single, you navigate these waters alone, trusting the Lord with every turn. In marriage, you work together. During these moments, it is important that we navigate the streams of life with Christ at the center and find the unforced rhythms of His grace.

This Sunday, I believe will be an unforgettable, practical and relevant message that will strengthen you and your journey whether you are walking that blessed road of singleness or togetherness. See you then!

Grace to You, 


PS – There will be a Grace Leadership Academy interest meeting taking place immediately following the service in the FLC. Make plans to bring the family and find out more about our K5-9th grade school right here at Grace!